
JJA Planning provides expertise, rigour and personal commitment across a complete range of planning services, from briefing to completion.

We take a customised approach to every project, matching our working practices to our clients’ needs.

We deliver solutions, personally.


We provide incisive advice on planning strategies and development prospects, from one-off planning applications to large-scale urban projects.

This advice is vital both at the outset of a project and during the application and delivery process, where significant obstacles can occur.


Our highly-effective, bespoke assessments and specialist technical reports help bring planning authorities, and the communities they serve, on board.  They include:

  • Planning Statements and Assessments
  • Design and Access Statements
  • Retail Assessments and Studies
  • Employment Land Reviews
  • Housing Supply Assessments
  • Bespoke Assessments, such as Sustainability, Conservation and Regeneration Reports


We are meticulous in preparing, managing and negotiating applications that are critical to the development programme and timeline. They include:

  • Outline, Full and Hybrid Planning Applications for Minor and Major Developments
  • Certificates of Lawful Use (Existing and Proposed)
  • Certificates of Appropriate Alternative Development
  • Discharging Conditions
  • Prior Approval
  • Non-Material Amendments and Minor Material Amendments
  • Negotiating s106 Agreements and their obligations

Appeals & CPO Inquiries

We approach these with a mix of intellect and tenacity, boosting the likelihood of a positive outcome.

And throughout the planning process, we make sure that our clients and their teams are kept up to date on progress, every step of the way.